15 Extremely Toxic Habits to Quit in Your 20s

When we’re ready to change our lives, we’re also ready to do things we never expected. Start new habits, new hobbies, new hustles, and more. But it’s also important to give up some things, in this case, toxic habits.

Toxic habits are a common way of self-sabotage. We think it’s fine to do these things because it’s what we’re used to doing. When in reality, these habits stop you from becoming the person you want to be.

There are also things we think are fine because that’s what we’ve been taught. I mean, if everybody is telling me to do something one way, that’s the right way, isn’t it?

However, people used to say the earth was flat, and one person said it was rounded. Who was right?

Not because everyone is telling you to do something, it means is the right thing to do. Or maybe, it is the right thing for them and everybody else, but you! Everybody has their path and ways to do things, there’s no one “perfect right answer” for all.

So, here are the toxic habits you must quit if you want to become your better self. Don’t forget to take notes! This is important!

15 Toxic Habits You Must Quit Right Now

toxic habits

No setting boundaries

I can’t emphasize this enough. YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO SAY NO!

People are energy suckers, they will ask you to do all the things they don’t want, just because you never say no. They’ll take advantage of you in ways you don’t even imagine.

You need to know your limits, if you don’t, you’ll end up burning out due to all the bad energy around you. You won’t be happy doing the things you don’t want, and you’ll be less happy doing the things someone else doesn’t want to do!

Know your boundaries, say what you want to say, and set that limiting line to other people. Because if you let them in more than what you want, you’ll end up hurt.

Don’t let the suckers suck your energy!

Not forgiving yourself

Alright, let me guess, you think everyone deserves a second chance, but when it comes to you, you blame yourself and feel guilty!
I know, I’ve been there.

Let me tell you something: if everyone around you deserves a second chance, so do you.

You’re human, you’re meant to make mistakes, for the sole reason that you’re not perfect, and you’ll never be!

So learn to let go, learn to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make. Once you do that, better things will start coming your way.

Skipping meals

This is not healthy, no matter how much you think about it.

Too late for breakfast? take it to go. Too busy for lunch? It’s just 10 minutes, it won’t kill you!

Skipping meals will hurt both your physical and mental health. Start setting alarms for your meals so you can eat at specific times. This will help you create a habit and stop skipping meals.

toxic habits to ditch

Not putting yourself first


You have to take care of yourself if you want to be happy, and if you care about others.

There’s no better help than feeling good when doing it. For that, you have to start putting yourself first and practicing self-care so you’ll feel good and will truly help others.

Comparing yourself to others

Everyone is unique in their own way. Everyone will have a different path, and a different speed, so comparing yourself with someone else will just make you feel inferior.

Whenever you’re about to compare yourself with someone else, think about all the good things you have, all the experiences you’ve had, and how hard you’ve worked to become who you are today.

You have your speed and you’re own successes, celebrate them all! No matter how small you think they are, give yourself credit for it.

You may also like: 10 Healthy Habits That’ll Change Your Life

Spending too much time on your cell phone

By the time you’re on your third hour on your phone, you start feeling guilty, embarrassed and everything you see on social media makes you feel bad.

Sadly, your phone is full of toxicity, and you become addicted to it, just because you’re seeing the house of your dreams, or maybe someone with the life you desire. Plus, even when you think a reel or an account is inspiring, just because you’re spending too much time in a position, using your phone, is enough not to be healthy.

toxic habits to quit in your 20s

Neglecting your mental health

Alright, this is something I’ll never stop reminding you of just because I know (from my own experiences) how hard this can hit you. Neglecting your mind will lead you to have low energy, procrastinate all your projects, and put yourself at the bottom of an abysm pretty hard to get out of.

Go for a walk every day, journal, learn your self-love language, have an unnegotiable me-time every week, go to therapy. There are many things you can do to take off your mental health, and they don’t have to be expensive enough to unmotivate to work on yourself.

You can even start a new habit or a fun and creative hobby for the sake of your mental health.

You may also like: 10 Habits Self-Care Habits to Start Today and 25 Hobbies Perfect for Women in their 20s

Living disorganized

If there’s something I learned from having mental health issues, is that getting things organized can make you feel much better.

When you see your room perfectly clean, or your home has a steady look, it can help you feel productive so you can get many things done.

Stop leaving everything on your first empty spot, and start being a bit more organized, so you can see some little and nice improvements.

You may also like: 15 Tips to Start Being More Organized


Alright, there’s nothing more toxic than leaving everything for the last minute. Starting your essay 1 hour before your deadline just because “you only work under pressure” isn’t healthy!!

You should set deadlines for yourself, so you can stop living everything for later. Also, stop thinking you can only get things done if you’re close to your deadline because you certainly don’t!

In fact, you can learn how to start being productive and stop procrastinating on this blog post!

waiting for the right time

Waiting for the right time to do something


We don’t know how much we’re left. We don’t know if tomorrow will be our last day on earth or if next week will be the last time you’re able to do something. you love. That’s why we should stop worrying about the right time.

You’ll never start if you’re looking to be better prepared or better educated because there’s always something you won’t know. So learn on the way!!

Letting your fear control you

This goes hand in hand with waiting for the right time.

I know it’s scary. I know you think it’s almost impossible to come true. However, you’re in control of your own life, neither your fears nor anyone else can tell you how to live it.

Want to create a blog? Go ahead. Want to move out? If it’s for your own good, don’t let that little voice control you!

Make a plan, and throw yourself into it! You can do anything, so don’t let your fear tell you what you can or can’t do.

Living in the past

One of the most toxic habits you could ever think of is living in a situation you can’t change.

To be honest, even I am still working on this. I know it can be hard to bring yourself to the present when all you can think about before going to sleep is that moment when you didn’t say hi to someone the right way.

If you’re an overthinker like me, you can start journaling and meditating before going to sleep. When there’s too much on your head, letting it out while writing can make a big difference. So try to do something that brings you to the present every time you start thinking about that bubblegum you received from your kindergarten crush!

unhealthy habits of women in their 20s

 Living in your head

Okay, I know how nice it is to fantasize about your dream life with your significant other. But, wouldn’t it be better to enjoy the moments you have now with them?

While living in your head, you stop discovering the magic and experiences you should be feeling and seeing right now. So, start living day by day, moment by moment, and enjoying the little things this precious life has to offer you.

Not practicing self-care

Another repeat after me. C’mon, say it: PRACTICING SELF-CARE ISN’T SELFISH!

Practicing self-care is so important for our mental health, and sometimes we forget it! Having at least 1-hour me-time per week can help you align with your intentions and work on what must be done.

It doesn’t have to be much, having a solo date once a week, reading a book you like, watching that YouTuber you like, any of these can help you align with your higher self.

Wasting money because “you deserve it”

How many times have you bought something you didn’t need or had enough money to buy just because “you deserved it”, and then ended up feeling about it? Well, that’s one of the toxic habits you should stop right now.

I’m not saying you should never buy anything for yourself, because you certainly deserve some things. What I mean is, if you don’t love it, don’t buy it!

Why? Because then you’ll be waiting for payday, with the lowest budget you’ll ever think about, and then fall into that “I deserve it” cycle again.

Now, are you going to stop these toxic habits before it’s too late? Because you better! You deserve good things, but to get better things, you must make some changes in your lifestyle.

And remember not to leave without reading these inspiring posts!

Save this post so you can come to it anytime you need it!

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